P9-09 Anthropology and Sociology by Global South

Call for papers



Gulnora Ganieva
Institute of History of Academy Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan


Iroda Dadahodjaeva


Group of researchers Prof. Erkinov Aftondil anthropologist, Dr. Ganieva Gulnora (historian and sociologist), Dr. Dadajanova Iroda anthropologist, Dr. Rasulova Ziyodakhon (historian and sociologist) from Uzbekistan who are supposed to discuss new methods of anthropology, ethnography and sociology in the Central Asia, especially its researches connected on the one hand, with growth of interest to anthropology, and necessity of studying of real forms of an existing and representations about a life in different regions of the Muslim world.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the establishing of the independent states in Central Asia post-soviet science in the region has started undergoing rapid changes as far as ideological incentives as well as economic and institutional conditions of functioning were concerned. The change of the scale and intensity of academic research and teaching could not but significantly influence humanities and social sciences in the region, ethnology included. While assessing the influence of systemic change, one has to keep in mind about multi-vector complex study of anthropology and sociology in Central Asia.

Anthropological and ethnographic methods of studying in Uzbekistan, also actual question sociology in globalization. During group work following purposes and problems will dare: discussion of theoretical aspects, practical receptions and results of concrete researches, an exchange of experience, scientific discussion, as well as presentation regarding multidisciplinary approaches in anthropology and sociology will be illuminated.

This presentation dedicated life in post-soviet period and globalization in Central Asia.
The analysis of researches processes of transformations in social norms and culture of people Central Asia will be rendered, the wide range of problems and questions – migrations, religious views, identity, household practices and stages of these transformations, mechanisms and ways of modernization to a post the Soviet period will be analyzed. Carried out research which studies different aspects of life of the central-Asian society will allow to see transformation processes in a complex and will give chance to track influence level of various social institutes and culture elements towards each other. Consideration of the central-Asian case of modernization will show a theoretical problem of non-uniformity of development of various societies, answer a question, what features process of globalization and modernization in the Muslim countries have, and also study distinctive characteristics of the Soviet and Post-Soviet modernization.